Your appointment
is confirmed

I’d like to say a heartfelt „Thank you for taking the time to get in touch with us today!“ and am really looking forward to getting to know you better in our Strategy-Call.

You’ll receive further details regarding our call within the next few minutes via E-Mail.

Please take a quick look at your inbox.

If you don’t get the E-Mail within the next couple of minutes, then please be so kind as to also check your SPAM-Folder. There’s always a chance it might have landed there.

Deine Rechnung für dein Coaching-Gespräch erhältst Du per E-Mail direkt von unserem Zahlungsdienstleister Digistore24 GmbH.

Bitte gleich in dein Inbox schauen.

Die Abbuchung des Rechnungsbetrages erfolgt ebenfalls über Digistore24 GmbH

Please note...

Your appointment is now fixed in my calendar. Nevertheless, we both now that every now and again something unforeseen may happen, meaning you have to re-schedule.

Even though this Strategy-Call is free for you, I would be very grateful if you would give me at least 24 hours notice if you need to re-schedule the appointment.

Thanks for your understanding. Really appreciated.

I’m really looking forward to our Strategy-Call and having the chance to support you in your endeavours to really get moving and get to where you really want to be in life.

All the best & see you soon,



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Garry Hayward
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